Saturday, March 5, 2011

Define bench.....

When you hear the word "bench", your first question may be "What do you mean by 'bench'?"  And for a junker, the next question is probably "And how exactly do I make one?"  Here are some ideas...

Junking 101:  The headboard bench!  Made by cutting the footboard in half (or less) and using as sides by attaching to the  headboard forming three sides.  A front board completes the frame and the seat can either be slats or one bigger board supported underneath.

A fun variation on the headboard bench, this one had identical foot and headboards.  One forms the back and one forms the front with the addition of side boards.  Just need a little measuring and cutting to get the right fit.

Headboard, but no foot board?  No problem if it's full size or larger.  Cut it in half to make a corner bench.  Add a third leg in back, a board in front, and you're off and running. 

No beds?  Well, do you have an old dresser?  This friend did.  And we carefully removed the top, cut it down to the appropriate height, and reattached the top to create a functional storage bench from a family heirloom.

An old chest will work too!  This one got some attention and some casters.  The inside is great for storage -- this one has built-in file storage!

Three matching chairs make a great bench!  And they don't have to be great chairs (the middle section chair isn't even really all there -- shhhh...don't tell!) 

One of my favorite bench I've made -- a gossip bench made from old ladders.  Who doesn't love ladders? -- and gossip!!

Looking for something different?  It doesn't have to be difficult.  This easy and fun summer bench is made from a couple camp stools with waterskis attached to the top!

Now, go be creative...define YOUR bench.


I'm linking this up to Donna's Saturday Nite Special Linky Party at Funky Junk Interiors


  1. looooove your bench ideas! waiting for the warmer weather so i can get outside and get working on projects! thanks for the inspirations.

  2. I love junk and I'm good at finishing things but I bow to the master great post!

  3. you had me at "bench". hahahah

    love your junk!

    hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. Love these ideas! Especially love the 3 chair bench idea. Thanks for commenting on my blog today! I'm your newest follower :-)

  5. What cool bench ideas!! Love the ladder and the 3 chair benches.

  6. OOOHHHH Looking through all the different bench ideas has made me think of like 10 different places that I want them,,, all different styles too!!! AND I am super glad I found your blog.. it is just MY cup of tea! I LOVE JUNK!!!!
