Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Here I Go!

Hope you enjoy the picture of me, because that's probably the only one you'll ever see. That being said, I feel it's my obligation to say as every blogger does "Well, here I go. I've never really blogged
before so bear with me. I hope I can come up with plenty to talk
Enough cliches. And I know I'll have plenty to talk about if I simply chronicle my adventures of transforming my junk and trying to make that into a successful enterprise. I actually did
already have a blog, but apparently I didn't quite get what a blog really is and I didn't produce it correctly. After cruising through some blogs recently, I had an "aha" moment and finally grasped the concept. So I'm trying again. And since I'm updating my website and there's a link to my blog, I'd better have a blog. So without further ado, here's my blog and ....Here I Go!


  1. Love your junk! I'm creative, but not with junk.

  2. hi, just saw you on junkmarket, very creative & i'm new at blogging. check out my site, just click on my name :)
