Saturday, March 7, 2009

WooHoo! I Won an Award!

Thank you so much to Cindy of Tintas treasures for presenting me with this blog award:

I'm very flattered and it made my day!

As a recipient of this award, I need to list 5 things that I am addicted to and then I need to pass this award on to 5 other blogs. Here goes.

5 Things I am addicted to:

1. This one I actually am literally addicted to -- Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke. If I go more a day to two without my diet pop, I can't function properly and I get a bad headache (as opposed to a good headache). I know it's bad for me -- no comments please.

2. This is my MAJOR life addiction -- Refunctioning Junk, trash-to-treasure projects, repurposing junk -- call it what you will but it's all good, all creative, and all fun and it's what I do at my shop, while I'm driving, and while I'm sleeping.

3. This addiction is a cousin to #2 -- inspiring others to pick up their power tools and join the junking bandwagon through my classes, my website, blogging, and word of mouth.

4. My family would say it's -- the computer. It's the classic story of former enemies becoming best friends. ARGHHH !! How it hurts me to admit that.

5. This last one's a no brainer -- my Old English Sheepdog Samson. I wanted a sheepdog forever and I finally got one about 5 years ago. He's very large and he's not very bright, but boy am I crazy about him.

And now on to my 5 blog awardees:

And the award goes to....

1 . Beyond the Picket Fence

2. The Joy of

3. Whistlestop Country Store

4. Much Ado About Some Things

5. Emma's Nook and Granny

Congratulations to all 5 of you ladies and your wonderful blogs. Please accept this award from me, proclaim it to all your blog readers, list your 5 addictions, and then pass the award on to 5 other blogs of your choosing.

Have fun! Midge


  1. Thanks so much for the award--I will pass it along later this week!

  2. Congratulations to you and thank you! I left a message on your previous post. Then I thought maybe I should of left it here. ??? See, I'm just not blogger savvy!!
    Thanks again!

  3. You just made my week! Thank you so much - this is a wonderful surprise. Love your blog and all your great junk-inspiration!

  4. Thanks so much for the award and the kind words. Love your blog and your web site. Your junk creations are awesome!

  5. Thanks Midge - I am honored!

