Monday, April 27, 2009

Blessing #7

Dandelions are becoming plentiful this time of year and most people would think of them as anything but a blessing. But when I was a kid, my mom showed me this fun thing you can do with them. So when I see them, it makes me smile.

Pick some dandelions -- the thicker and longer, the better.

No, scissors needed! Just use your fingers to split each end into 4-6 strips.
And drop into a bowl of cold water.

You'll end up with crazy, curly, dandelion art pieces!
Dandy fun!


  1. My grandkids will love this - and hopefully they will want to pick ALL the dandelions in my yard!

  2. Very cool - they're definitely coming into full bloom in Ohio...and, I was thinking of taking some pics too - you beat me to it! What a nice memory from your childhood!

    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog...I've added yours!

  3. Midge - we're still blooming dandelions here...

    Check out my blog - you've received an award!

  4. I'm going to go pull some dandelions in a HAPPY way now!!! Thank You!!! :-)
