Anyone who's read my blog knows just how much I LOVE junk. But what I don't mention very much is that even more than being a junker, first and foremost I'm a mom. And I felt very much in mom mode this past weekend. A lot of driving people here and there, a lot of "Mom, I need...", and a lot of "Oh mom, can you...?" The job of parenting is a mighty one. But what really put the parenting thing on my heart over the weekend (and I'm having trouble shaking it -- thus the blogging) is what I observed in a few other families over the weekend.
Saturday night I attended Dan's ceremony of becoming an Eagle scout, one of the highest honors and biggest achievements a young man can attain. Dan, a friend of my son Andrew and a member of my church, graduated from high school a few weeks ago. His mother, a friend of mine is currently unemployed but doesn't make a lot even when she is working. There are two younger kids at home, one special needs (and one high maintenance). The dad has been out of the picture for several years, rarely contacts the kids and provides no support--emotional or financial. The family now lives modestly in our local mobile home park, but has moved around a lot. Dan had to work very hard and overcome a lot of obstacles to become an Eagle scout and seeing him recognized for it, I couldn't have been prouder.
The other family has a son who is friends with my 16 year old son. The mom is also a friend of mine (as well as being a fellow junker). This family is a very stable one and has always lived in their cute victorian house. Both parents grew up in our small, family-values town and they have been married since shortly after high school. They have passed their strong Christian faith down to their 4 sons and are loving, attentive parents. Sadly however, I spent Monday afternoon attending the funeral of their second oldest son (older brother of my son's friend). He should have graduated with Dan and Andrew's class, but the week before went into a coma from overdosing on meth, never recovered, and passed away last week.
Parenting is a blessing and a task from God. It is wonderful, exhausting, fun, interesting, frustrating, sometimes triumphant, and sometimes tragic.... and always unpredictable.
I am praying to work on being a better parent. And of course I'm also praying for Lisa, Jerry, and the boys.
Thanks for letting me share.
P.S. I'm not very comfortable with the serious, heavy stuff -- much better with fluff, and junk. So I promise the next post will be soon and will be fun. Peace.
You might not be comfortable with the mush - but you are a Mom that anyone would be thankful and blessed to have!!! Faith and Prayer (and some junk...)
Sharing the deeper feelings from time to time only shows what multi-faceted gems we all are! Bless you for opening your heart to us. And for sharing your wonderful junk!