Saturday, August 8, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Well, first of all I want to apologize upfront for any part of this post that comes off as "whiny". It could happen. Not that I'm typically a whiner, but I have been frustrated with certain aspects of what I'm doing and I'm taking this opportunity to vent. Maybe it will be therapeutic for me. Here's the deal. I have a shop that I rent that's about 1000 sq. Not too bad. On top of that I built an "L" shaped loft area that 's probably 500 more. Ooo, even better. Additionally, I have an over flow ministorage of about 500 sq. ft. This is the part where many of you might be saying "Lucky. You should quit your whining."

But like most junkers, I have a lot of "stuff". I mean a LOT of stuff. And in this junker's opinion, ALL of it necessary. This is especially true since it not just for my projects, but for my customers as I want the focus to be on holding junking classes and parties. Mainly, my space has to perform 5 basic functions:

1. store my raw materials (need well over 1000 s.f. for this)

2. function as a workshop for making my projects (500-1000 s.f. would be nice)

3. function as a workshop for classes and parties (preferably separate, but I'm willing to share)

4. store my finished products (at least 500-1000 s.f.)

5. sales venue for my finished goods ( at least 1000 s.f.)

WAIT! That doesn't add up!

No it doesn't. So I'm constantly juggling my space. When my "sales space" is not in sale mode, it becomes "finished storage" space and looks like this:

A lot of work loading in and out, and it's also hard on my finished products. But if it's what I have to do, I'll do it.

And my sales floor converts back to workshop/classroom mode. But I still have miscellaneous piles of "stuff" sitting around with no where to go: But I deal with it. And I'm not even going to show you the piles sitting outside my back door that my kind-hearted landlord has overlooked so far.

So I found that I was building and "creating" in less than dream surroundings in order to make those dreams a reality.
I could still get some things done!

But I knew eventually I'd have to address the space issues. And when I couldn't even get to some of the things I needed anymore, I had to figure some things out. Maybe my cup runneth over, but this was ridiculous:

I knew I HAD to have access to my lumber, so I did make one decision a month ago.

One small display "room" would become a permanent, bigger, organized lumber room. I can't function without that so I compromised sales space for materials storage space.

I'm working on that right now. (Well, no, not LITERALLY right now, RIGHT now I'm typing this post, of course!)

So that only solved the lumber problem. But I still had the 5 functions problem. It was getting even worse. Sales events were becoming not good and or not a good use of my time, I couldn't get things or make the things I wanted, classes are non-existent or at the very least disorganized and less than inspiring, merchandise was getting damaged. AARRRGGHHH!


Instead of performing 5 functions poorly, my space will no longer be used for selling or storing my finished goods. Since my vision was always for Refunction Junktion first to be a place for creating and constructing, the space will just be devoted to use as a workshop/classroom with raw materials on hand, organized, and inspirational. It will be the coolest place ever! So take a good look at it in its current condition:

And this is actually, when it was VERY clean and organized. I had spiffed it up for the photograph--I don't dare show you current pictures, I can barely move in there right now.

But it is getting an overhaul! I will keep you posted!

Bye. Bye.


Well, to be quite honest I don't know. But something had to be done and decisions had to be made. I was really "stuck" and now I'm moving forward and I feel much better about that. Being the eternal optomist, I believe it will all work out ("if we build it, they will come" and all that). Besides, this is really God's venture -- I'm merely along for the ride, so I'm just going to follow His lead.

Currently, the unit right next to mine is vacant. "There you go! Why don't you rent that?" But making rent is already a struggle and I need more income to justify it. But I can't produce more income until I can do some of these things, and I can't do some of these things until I get more space, but I can't get the space....... Yes, the classic CATCH 22. I hope what I'm doing will somehow break the stalemate. That is my goal, not to give up having my merchandise available(afterall that's what provides the ultimate inspiration), but eventually to move my finished products into the neighboring space and keep them permanently displayed there and sell/inspect by appointment. No more occasional sales in my future. They've been very successful for some junkers, but it's just not my cup of tea. So for now I will try to think creatively about storing my merchandise and probably offer products for sale through the website as much as possible. I don't have all the answers yet. BUT I DO HAVE SOME OF THE ANSWERS AND THAT IS WHAT I WILL FOCUS ON.


So I will end now. Just know that changes are coming -- good ones! And I will keep you posted.



  1. We work out of a 2 car garage. Not enough space either! We cleaned and organized yesterday. Moved it all out and sorted and organized. It's a challenge!

    *I like to use lots of drawers and closed door cupboards. Could you build some with old doors and make the shelves deep and tall enough to store some larger things.
    *If you want to show case a few finished things for your "junk students" to see, would there be room to create a little porch area. Maybe only 4' deep along one wall. Use some porch posts, trellis, screen doors etc. to separate the area. Make your finished displays fun & inviting.
    *When you organize the junk waiting to be used, sort & store like objects together. Chairs altogether, boxes together...etc.
    *like my husband tells me... quit buying junk... finish up what you have first! It's hard to pass up good junk, but getting some things done and out of the way helps to keep the space workable.
    *we rented a storage unit. Furniture we buy that needs to be worked on goes there and finished furniture goes there also. Then as there is space in the garage we bring a piece or two home to work on.
    Hope that helps...if I was closer I'd come help. I love to organize, especially other peoples spaces!
    Good Luck!
    Laurie :)
    this maybe the longest response...

  2. I am in the garage too however my husbands 22 ft boat occupys half so I am pressed for space, love the makeover, tootles, Janna

  3. i liked seeing your old storage looked very familiar!!! ..have fun in your new digs....cant wait to hear about the lessons....
