Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yay! A good excuse to post!

I needed a good excuse to post because it's been awhile, and Donna's Saturday Nite Special party fit the bill. Her blog, Funky Junk Interiors, hosts a great party every weekend. There are always lots of great participants with great projects. It's become so popular that she now divides it into 3 categories -- Home Decor, Sewing Crafts Cooking, and a Special Theme. This week's special theme is Headboards. So this is an old project of mine, but I've never posted it before -- now I will just so I can join the party, and have a reason to post. Thanks Donna!

Nothing ground-breaking here, but I always liked the way this headboard-turned-shelf turned out -- especially since I got it from the curb. I thought the headboard was cute, but one of the legs was broken (probably why some unvisionary person threw it out). I removed the legs, added a 1x6 (with little support pieces underneath), attached some trim I had removed from it, gave it a pale yellow paint job, and distressed it. I was pretty pleased with the outcome!

On a side note (non-headboard related), I have been MIA lately and that's why I was happy to have a reason to post. I haven't created anything that I could photograph yet. I've mostly been busy working on my shop. Space is always an issue, and I had some extra space over the wintertime, but that was just for temporary and I had to move everything back into my one unit (ARGH!). And I really need to host another sale. So I've been working a lot and making progress on that, but nothing I could report -- yet. Next week I hope to be able to share a lot more about all of that. Stay tuned!


I will be linking this up to: Donna's Saturday Nite Special #30 @ Funky Junk Interiors


  1. I love this headboard shelf! I am running all the headboards through my little mind, wondering, do I have something that would work like this? hmmmm got me thinking!
    thanks for the inspiration!
    good luck with your space and your projects!

  2. That is pretty - now I will be checking out the headboards that I see on the curb

  3. I'm sooo glad you came out of hiding to show off this little gem! :) I LOVE how your shelf turned out. What a fabulous backdrop, which actually creates a highlight for your objects. Very creative!

    Thanks for linking it up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  4. What a great idea, love the shelf.

  5. Midge - I love the headboard shelf!!! SOOOO cute! Free is ALWAYS good - makes it even better, right? LOL

    I wanna come to your sale! Geesh... I'd probably haul it all home and be out of space myself...

    Good Luck with everything! Know that in spirit I'm there helpin' you!!!

    :-D robelyn

  6. Very nice! I love how you put the pretty trim on the shelf, really makes it unique!

  7. Thanks for checking out my planter chairs! So glad you stopped by! Way cute headboard shelf!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  8. Wish you were posting EVERYDAY! What a cool blog, and love your entrepenuerial spirit and ideas!
