"I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth all the means. This is our day of deliverance." ~~ John Adams
But I know that it IS Monday. And as part of my new blog post planning, Monday is the day I spotlight other bloggers. As I was lamenting all this blogging "stuff", look at the comment I got from Sue:
"I too have trouble with blogging lately, and my junking projects are at a standstill. I browse everyone's blogs for inspiration, but I am having a junkers block for sure!"
So I thought that she would be my first Monday feature because it sounded like she could use a boost from some bloggy friends. Besides, for her it is definitely Monday. She is not even celebrating July 4, but not because she's unpatriotic (I'm sure she loves her country!). But because Sue lives down under -- you know, IN AUSTRALIA, the land of dingos, home of kookaburras!
Hi Sue! What time is it there? Are you sunbathing, or snowskiing? Which way is your toilet water swirling? IS there shrimp on the barbie? Does your boomerang come back? (I'll bet you didn't know I was so knowledgeable about your outback country did you.) And, oh yeah, DO YOU like blooming onions?
Check out this photo that was on one of her blog posts. I'm sure many of you can relate. There are always many tasks that seem to be clamoring for our attention. I know I SO can relate. Sometimes each one seems so important, while at the same time all seem like they can wait. Which way to turn? Or Should I just turn and run?AWWW!!
And this is the banner for her blog, Junk-It Junction. I am one of her followers and hope you will be soon, too. You see, Sue is a JUNKER! We have a lot in common. It can be very challenging, tiring, rewarding, frustrating, thrilling, discouraging, and just plain fun tackling this somewhat new "industry" of junking. Sue has a studio that she works out of making some of her creations and housing her collections and hosting sales. She also has E-bay shop and she also has a website store. So I'm not exactly sure what could help Sue the most right now, but maybe a good dose of inspiration or encouragement might be just what she needs to get out of her junk funk! Stop on by if you get a chance.
G'day, Mate!
Oh Midge, I don't care how often you post. I am just glad you do! I am coming to visit your shop this summer, I am. You can't e that hard to find even for the directionally challenged!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to check out Sue's site now. Thanks!
Oh Midge, thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise to see a picture of me here...
Yeh, you 'get' me, Im a junker through and through, and still struggling with my junkers block!
It is council cleanup time here, and there is junk on the streets to die for! Hoping for inspiration, and a trailer full!
It is cold here matey!
Hey Midge...happy late 4th...I'll check out this blog..thanks for posting about it.
ReplyDeleteHappy day!
Oh - yeah!! Always looking for great inspiration for myself!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'm going to check out Sue's blog right now! Lezlee