Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do you "heart" pancakes?

Well, I wouldn't say that I LOVE pancakes (I save my love for junk!) but I do HEART them!

And since my kitchen was relatively clear this fine Saturday morning, today was the day to give my new Christmas griddle the ol' pancake try.  AND, since we're just days away from Valentines, it had to be done "heart" style.

I used to do initials for the kids, but today's art of choice would be hearts...

Once the hearts had a little time to cook I just poured more batter on top to form your basic pancake... 

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles...FLIP! beautiful.....I think I'm tearing up! 

And to make it even more festive I decided to smother them in strawberries...but...OH NO!!....No hearts! 

So I threw on another pancake, smeared strawberries around edges, add whipped topping and....YIKES.....not good.... 

Soooo.....let's try this again... 

Yup, straight up heart pancakes seem to do the trick.... 

We wouldn't be losing THESE hearts (well, at least not for a few minutes).... 

Much better! 

SOOOO....Do YOU "heart" pancakes?


I will be linking this up to Donna's Saturday Nite Special Party at


  1. I do "heart" pancakes! It looks like you had a lot of fun in the kitchen! :)

  2. I heart junk too! But, I heart my grandson's even more!
