Sunday, February 22, 2009

Angels All Around

Positive things are happening with Refunction Junktion right now. I'll be sharing more about that with you later. Just know that it's BIG. For now I'll just say that I think there are angels all around...
Clearly, that one was designed with the upcoming baseball/softball season in mind. Most people when they think spring is around the corner start thinking about gardens. I think about baseball. I have to remind myself that it's still February.

Speaking of February, yesterday (2-21) was my adopted birthday. No, not the day I adopted as my birthday, but the day my parents adopted me many years ago at 6 weeks old. I want to say that I was lucky to have such great parents. But it wasn't luck, it was just a part of a very deliberate plan God has for my life.....

These angels are made up of many various parts of whatever. There's a molding doodad from a headboard, parts of bed posts, spindles, brackets, table leg, and some crazy thing cut in half.
Take all those pieces of "junk" and look what they turned into. (Unfortunately, I think the short chubby one is the one that most resembles me -- ouch!)

I was amazed when I realized that hinges looked like wings, and then combined with other hardware that it made angels. They're the perfect size for Christmas ornaments.

I will continue to look for angel possibilities that surround me. It shouldn't be too hard, I just have to open my eyes to what isn't always obvious. Afterall, there really ARE angels all around!

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