Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Am Crazily Blessed!

It's true! I have been blessed like crazy, way more than I deserve. Yet we have just one day a year to publicly express our thankfulness and I let that day come and go without posting a thing. That's okay, I said to self, I'll do a belated post listing things I'm thankful for. That didn't happen either. So from now until Thanksgiving, I will be randomly sharing crazy things I am thankful for. Crazy in the sense that they aren't the standard family, friends, home, health (though I am VERY thankful for those). I'm going to dig a little deeper, look a little closer, and be a little more deliberate about appreciating all of life's gifts -- big, small, strange, wonderful -- that God has given to me. I will post every few days to reach my goal of 100 crazy blessings by Thanksgiving. Blessing #1:

Not the mailbox, not the garbage (though it shows you have plenty if you have that much to discard), but I am thankful for GARBAGE PICKUP. It's probably what inspired me to do this in the first place. Every garbage day, I would find myself in the kitchen dancing around saying "WooHoo, It's Garbage Day". Not exactly sure why, but miss one week and it makes a little more sense. Try missing two weeks in a row and it's very obvious what is great about garbage pickup. Oh, how I love the sound of that big truck every Monday morning.

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