It'd been awhile, so I made a trip to my local Goodwill warehouse today. I found this AWFUL lamp...
but at .30, it was worth it just for the hardware. More about the lamp in a bit.
This glass came to a grand total of .40 -- not bad.
And this vintage dictionary was .30 -- I can live with that.
Oooo! A Jenga game! 30 cents? -- I'll take it!
Now, I already have a gazillion suitcases. But it's a nice navy blue one, and for a mere .30, I guess I'll have a gazillion and one. BUT....
when I told the cashier there was another one inside, he said "yeah, it's a set". I said yes, "but there's one inside, so it's two", he answered "Yes, but it's a SET. One thing. 30 cents for the set, ma'am." Okay. I guess it's gazillion and TWO suitcases for me.
So, about this lamp. My cashier also told me this was a "large electrical" item -- not .30, but $1.00! Whoa! Hmmm.... Now I had a decision to make. And when I looked at it sans shade, it kind of looked AWESOME -- like a contemporary craft style design. And paired with a contemporary barrel shade ... Hmmm....
So I said it's fine. But now that I've got it home, it kind of seems AWFUL again. Hmmm...
So what do YOU think? Don't hold back. I can take it. I want to know the truth. AWFUL or AWESOME?