Upon receiving this award, I need to do 4 things:
1.) Thank the presenter of this award and link to her blog.
2.) Share 10 honest things about myself.
3.) Present this award to 7 other deserving blogs.
4.) Notify those bloggers and tell them about these guidelines.
10 Honest Things About Myself
1. I once accidentally ate cat food that was in my fridge (yes, it was gross and yes, I almost hurled).
2. In my college days my secret fantasy was to one day guest host Saturday Night Live.
3. My car always has some sort of junk in it -- usually much.
4. My children think the cartoon character Peggy Hill was based on me (there really are some eerie similarities).
5. I have absolutely no desire to ever visit New York City.
6. I can place a 25 coin stack on my elbow and catch it in midair.
7. I once sent my daughter to school with a tub of butter for her lunch (I thought it was a tub of leftovers -- clearly I have some refrigerated food identification issues!)
8. On a mission trip to Venezuela several years ago, the ladder I was on slipped on the tile floor, crashing me to the floor and breaking my nose (they offered to take me to the neighboring country for medical attention -- the one where they CLEAN THEIR INSTRUMENTS. No thanks.)
9. I've never eaten a peanut butter sandwich.
10. My number one resolution each year is to do daily devotions, but I usually fall short. Luckily I have a Heavenly Father who always forgives and loves me despite my shortcomings. AND THAT'S THE HONEST TRUTH!
AND NOW.........The next 7 recipients of the "Honest Scrap" Award.........
1. A -- Vintage Dutch Girl
2. Alice -- Yesteryears Jewels
3. Ang -- A Day in the Life of a Tomboy
4. Donna -- Reinvented Style
5. Janelle -- The Farmer's Wife
6. Laurie -- The Whistle Stop Country Store
7. Robelyn -- red.neck chic
All of you are terrific and have wonderful blogs. Have fun with your award!
Too funny about the butter thing! I think it's a junker's mindset to be a bit disorganized... I left my son at football practice an extra 45 this Saturday... I was so busy working on the bathroom... whoops!
Hi Midge,
Thanks for the award! I hate to be a "party pooper" but, I don't feel like I know 7 bloggers well enough to send it on! Not sure what is "blogger etiquette" ??? No problem on being honest, but don't think I could have as good of responses as you!
The branding iron was just perfect wasn't it!?
Thanks again!
Laurie :)
Hey Midge,
Thanks for your confidence that I could really do this! I can do the honest thing and maybe get your blog posted...........However I can't seem to get the sign to show up on my blog! ugh!!! BUT rest assured I will try. Now your really know why I need all my angels looking after me!
smiles, alice
Oh Thank You so much for the award!!!
I am awaiting your arrival on Saturday Night Live - I want to see the whole coin stack trick!!!
Thanks Again!!! Robelyn
Funny facts!! Made me laugh. Your trip sound like it was such fun. I've been having fun experiencing it vicariously through all of you who went.
OK Miss Midge I got half published. Not sure about adding bloggers. Thank goodness the world does revolve around me and my timing! This is really a challenge for me. But FUN!
smiles, alice
Thanks for this blog poost
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